Meeting Calendar
36th Global WGA Information Planning Exchange Meeting (IPE)
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With most of the annual meetings going digital this year, we have not had the privilege of meeting in-person. As it might take some time before we can connect face to face without a computer screen, we warmly invite you to the first online WGA Information and Planning Exchange (IPE) meeting.
Thursday, December 3, 2020
San Francisco 1-2 PM PST
New York 4-5 PM EST
Amsterdam 10-11 PM CET
Friday, December 4, 2020
Tokyo 6-7 AM JST
What to expect
Get to know more about our projects and future plans, such as the WGA Global Webinar, the World Glaucoma Congress, our scientific journals JOG and IGR, and the Fellowship Program.
15 mins Networking: catch-up with the WGA leadership and other WGA partners
30 mins Presentation on WGA projects and future plans
15 mins Questions & Answers