WGC-2011 Paris

WGC 2011


The 4th World Glaucoma Congress was held at the Palais des Congrès in Paris, France from June 29 – July 2, 2011. The 4th World Glaucoma Congress was the third largest glaucoma meeting held anywhere in the world to date.

On behalf of the World Glaucoma Association, its Board of Governors and the World Glaucoma Congress Organizing and Program Committees, it was with great pleasure that I invited you to participate in the World Glaucoma Congress in Paris on June 29-July 2, 2011. The Organizing and Program Committees have worked along with clinicians, researchers and leaders in our field to create an innovative, interactive meeting in a wonderful setting.

More than 70 glaucoma societies from throughout the world were represented, and shared their experiences, knowledge and creativity. Didactic sessions, basic and clinical science sessions, symposia and debates, courses, and posters have all created a most memorable meeting.